Beaver Rugby Alumni Group (B.R.A.G.)

Our Mission: Supporting OSU rugby

Donations in support of Oregon State Mens Rugby are used to support the club and players in many ways. We use your donations to help pay for travel, gear for players, uniforms, and to our newest addition, scholarships! As of 2021, alumni have been helping select student-athletes who show commitment and leadership on the team with their school funding. With an increase in donations, we will be able to increase the amount of scholarship aid to the team and players.

Donations in support of Oregon State Mens Rugby can be made to the Beaver Rugby Alumni Group (B.R.A.G.), a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization whose purpose is to connect past beaver rugby players with the current team, to raise funds to secure exceptional coaching and to help with youth rugby development in our region.

Your donation:

  • Directly supports our mission

  • Is 100% tax deductible

  • Supplements sponsorships, and other fundraising

  • Helps student-athletes who play rugby at OSU

Our mailing address is: 

Beaver Rugby Alumni Group
621 SW Morrison St. Ste 1050
Portland, OR 97205-3822

Sign up for the B.R.A.G. Newsletter

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